Helene Landrada
Non-binary | Gray ace | Aro
Void tainted blood | Ala Mhigan| "Vampire"

Helene was a child born of blood and battle, sometime around The Autumn War under Ala Mhigan King Manfred. As an adult she was unfortunately turned by her own sister (who was almost immediately slaughtered after) amidst a violent war scene, and had to learn what she was becoming all on her own. Since her transformation, she's mostly been alone in her corner of the paranormal, until nearly killing Zemi'zi Brejah on accident and turning him into her own spawn in a moment of panic.She's very curt, cold, and confrontational, with little to no filter as she is far from the patient type. That is, until you get on her good side. She will fight for you, drink with you, and confront the cashier when you're too nervous to say you didn't want pickles. She laughs without restraint, uses every muscle to express excitement and frustration, and is all around a chaotic mess of a hyur, but a fun one to be around.She oftentimes dresses on the scantily side, due to the fact that 1: it's easier to attract prey, and 2: she feels more and more dissociated from her own body, as it doesn't feel right anymore.Her sense of taste and smell for anything other than blood had, in her words, "broke" from her transformation. Though she can consume food and an extremely excessive amount of alcohol, the flavor is barely there. Her alcohol tolerance is literally inhuman, and what could be considered a disadvantage to others is her benefit, allowing her to have the absolute worst (but incredibly cheap!) booze.WIP here for more details about her void stuff. Still developing it.
Hi I have several alts at this point but you might know me by my main S'oun Pinh and The Kitty's Catfish Cafe!I am 21+, but none of my characters are available romantically or sexually.